Do you have what it takes to be a successful founder?
How do you deal with procrastination?

How do you deal with failure?

Are you a teamplayer?

How much risk do you like to take in life?

How much work are you prepared to put into your new business?

Why would you want to become an entrepreneur?

How good are you at looking after your finances?

How well do you cope with setbacks?

How good are you at delegating responsibilities?

How good would you make your product or service?

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Please repeat the quiz and try different answer combinations.You are a genuine founder!

Whereas today every second presentation begins with a Steve Jobs quote, in 20 years it will be your name decorating the first slide of motivational decks. You were born to build a startup that would make the world a better place.
Give it a year and it's all yours.

With the current attitude your product may be too expensive or your schedule may be difficult to combine with the dynamic startup environment. At that, you're definitely on the right track.
Not all people who have ideas are best fit to bring them to life.

All in all, don't give up the day job. Your answers made it look as if you weren’t dedicated or focused enough to be an entrepreneur. Or perhaps you think you can do everything on your own, or you won't keep a close eye on the finances. Then again, very few people have the skills to be successful business owners.