Russia is facing a severe shortage of artificial intelligence specialists

Russia is facing a severe shortage of artificial intelligence specialists

The nation faces a digital skills decline in AI specialists as thousands are fleeing the country

As AI becomes more important, Russia faces a digital skills decline

Just 16,000 updated AI resumes popped up in Q1 2022

Russia's crisis will be felt not only by its citizens but also by global economies and Russia’s diplomatic relationships with other nations

Artificial intelligence (AI) system developers in Russia are confronting a labor crisis. If the average indicator of competition in the IT sector was three candidates for a position before, less than two people applied for the same position from January to March 2022.

Only 16,000 AI resumes were created or updated from January to March 2022. At the same time, almost 200,000 resumes in IT were posted in March alone.

Against the backdrop of Western sanctions, AI specialists lost access to data warehouses and were forced to suspend projects. According to experts, Russian universities do not consider training in AI technologies a priority, and private companies prefer to train employees in this field on their own.

In addition, the shortage of personnel is associated with the rapid departure of a significant number of IT specialists from the country.

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