In a 2022 startup, what you know matters less than what you say

In a 2022 startup, what you know matters less than what you say

3 key skills that will help you find your dream job

Following a recent survey, 63% of employers are looking primarily for people who have well-developed soft skills and easily get along with colleagues

In many cases the ability to work in a team, seamlessly respond to change and be on top of managing one's time has become more important than superior technical ability

Among the soft skills, reliability ranks as the most demanded ability that ought to be emphasised in your resume and job interview

In a 2022 survey, soft skills ranked among the most sought after requirements from startup employers. Soft skills are related to personal qualities and one’s ability to nurture a pleasant working environment. These include the ability to work in a team, time management or leadership. In a technology-driven age, companies begin to realise that technical nuances and vocational peculiarities can be learnt. 

According to Monster‘s Future of Work report, 63% of employers want to hire people with skills that help them meet real life challenges and communicate well with co-workers first. Whether we are talking with representatives of large companies or startups – soft skills have become the main thing that employers across the board are looking for.

Here are 3 skills that will help you get a job in 2022.

1. Reliability

Among the soft skills, reliability ranks as the most sought after ability that ought to be emphasised in your resume and job interview alike. 

Practical examples of reliability that can be brought up during a job interview include your ability to meet strict deadlines, respond to requests in a timely manner and show initiative.

In any startup, business is driven by the joint efforts of every single person, therefore it is important for employers to know that they can rely on you.

2. Sociability

The ability to communicate well and quickly is considered one of the most important skills today. This skill is particularly handy when remote work comes into play. 

For a young company, efficient communication is of paramount importance. In a quickly evolving environment, it’s crucial to exchange ideas in an efficient, clear and constructive manner. 

To present yourself as an excellent communicator, you can take time in the interview to ask clarifying questions, provide feedback and give detailed, rather than vague answers.

3. Ability to solve problems quickly

Unfortunately, the pandemic has shown that not everyone has the capacity to swiftly adapt to change and be flexible.

Startups are frequently understaffed, meaning that you will not have a situation where lower priority tasks are sent off to a different team. In an emergency situation everyone has to be ready to react quickly.

Tell a potential employer about at least one situation where you used a unique approach to solve the problem.

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