Hangar 75's Asset Factory continually generates innovative ideas that are converted into assets, which are then sold to interested buyers within a short timeframe. This unique approach allows shareholders, investors, and teams to retain a larger share of the value created. By targeting earlier exits and building an asset production line, Hangar 75 offers investors the opportunity for consistent and faster returns, resulting in higher internal rate of return (IRR) compared to traditional startup venture portfolios. The company collaborates with organizations seeking unique assets to increase market share, fend off competition, and generate shareholder value. Hangar 75 provides a safer way to launch new products, ensuring initial market traction and user satisfaction, while offering a seamless pilot, acquisition, and migration process. Their assets are sold at a discounted value, making acquisitions attractive to buyers. They produce both Speculative Assets, intended for sale to corporations through a pilot and acquisition, and Joint Venture Assets, where corporations sign upfront agreements including a license fee and an option to buy.