

About Company
Provides counter drone technology and anti-UAV defense systems


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AUDS provides counter-drone technology and anti-UAV defense systems. It comprises three key elements of C-UAS technology, which are controlled via an operator console. The AUDS Radar is a modular non-rotating, electronic-scanning system using power efficient PESA and FMCW technologies to provide UAS detection even in complex environments. The AUDS EO System is hosted as a removable EO sensor pod that easily attaches to the AUDS positioner, which is based on an in-service two-axis stabilized mount. The AUDS RF Inhibitor is a purpose-designed multi-band system, engineered for maximum effectiveness against UAS command and control (C2) links, whilst mitigating collateral impact. The system elements of AUDS (Radar, EO System, and RF Inhibitor) are fully integrated into the operator console. The AUDS Operator Console requires a single operator and comprises two screens. It also offers a TRL-9 rated C-UAS system which can detect, track and defeat a drone in less than 15 seconds at ranges of up to 10 km (6 miles).