Fir Capital




About Company
FIR Capital is a venture capital firm that invests in innovative companies with high growth potential.


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Founded in 1999 in Brazil, FIR Capital is a venture capital firm that focuses on investing in nascent, emerging, or growing companies that demonstrate tremendous growth potential. The firm offers financial support, strategic advisory services, and assistance in hiring key executives. With a strong track record in sales, marketing, innovation, and global expansion, FIR Capital has successfully invested in companies such as Biobrás S.A., Miner Technology, and Akwan Technology. In 2007, FIR Capital gained a shareholding interest from Draper Fisher Jurvetson (DFJ), a renowned venture capital firm with a global network spanning four continents. DFJ's portfolio includes successful companies like Hotmail, Skype, and Baidu. FIR Capital primarily invests in rounds with 1-2 participants, with deals ranging from $1-5 million. The firm typically invests in companies that are 4-5 years old and operates mainly in the advertising and internet industries.