
About Company
Venturescape is the UK's leading enterprise intelligence platform connecting early-stage and growth businesses with investors.


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Number of employees

Company Type

For Profit

IPO status



Venturescape aggregates data on over 50,000 companies, including live investment opportunities, to provide investors with a comprehensive view of quality growth businesses in the UK. They collate hundreds of datapoints, research coverage, and opinions from multiple sources to build a rich profile of each business, enabling due diligence, competitor benchmarking, and industry research. Additionally, D4, a subsidiary of Venturescape, carries out deep dive due diligence on individuals and entities in the UK, providing initial early-warning reviews and deep-dive profiling that harnesses thousands of data sources, analyzed using AI and enriched through manual research. Their reports include key risk metrics, education and professional backgrounds, active and passive media profiling, financial exposure, personal networks, and more. They also provide ongoing monitoring of individuals and corporate entities that provides alerts on notable activity, allowing clients to anticipate and manage reputational, operational, and financial risk.