
About Company
IxD Capital is a private equity firm that invests in high-growth companies delivering social and environmental benefits.


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IxD Capital's mission is to create long-term value for future generations and build a sustainable capitalism system that maximizes financial, environmental, social, and governance performance. The company achieves this by attracting private capital to facilitate innovative infrastructure development in Russia and the CIS countries, promoting new industrial business models, and transforming existing ones. IxD Capital collaborates with investment, financial, and banking sectors, development institutions, international organizations, and transnational corporations to advance sustainable development and the implementation of The United Nations Agenda 2030. The company's team has extensive experience in investment management and investment projects, investing in positive change and generating "smart" capital through competence, skill, and commitment. IxD Capital focuses on supporting innovative companies and positive innovators who can change the world by delivering social and environmental benefits.

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