
About Company
IntuVigilance is a drug safety and pharmacovigilance service provider.


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Number of employees

Company Type

For Profit

IPO status



IntuVigilance offers a range of services, including pharmacovigilance, cosmetovigilance, nutravigilance, materiovigilance, and drug safety. They have subject matter experts who provide guidance and expertise in PV operations, PV system management, and PV support services. The company also offers consultancy services to help with strategic restructuring, standardization, and harmonization of operational processes. IntuVigilance supports commercial pharmaceutical companies, biotech, and CROs. They stand out from their competitors by having strategic partnerships with Health Authorities and Market Leaders. This allows them to offer global services to their clients. They are ISO certified for ISO 27001, 14001, 18001, and 9001 and pledge to provide a cost-competitive, time-efficient, and transparent service to their customers.

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