Aescap Venture




About Company
Aescap Venture is a venture capital firm that invests in innovative medical biotech companies.


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Founded in 2005 and based in Amsterdam, Netherlands, Aescap Venture focuses on investing in biotech companies in Europe and the U.S. They have a track record of outperforming the Nasdaq Biotech Index by employing a focused portfolio, conducting deep fundamental analyses, and adhering to a disciplined buy and sell approach. The firm manages biotech funds and operates under an AIFM license, following the guidelines of the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). Aescap Venture typically invests in rounds with 3-4 participants and has been involved in deals ranging from $10 to $50 million. They have a preference for startups that are 4-5 years old and operate in the chemical and healthcare industries. Notable portfolio companies include ProtAffin Biotechnologie, Aquapharm Biodiscovery, and EOS (Ethical Oncology Science). Aescap Venture has a higher-than-average rate of exit commitments and is known for its expertise in the biotech sector.

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