amcure is a spin-off from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, supported by a grant from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The company's compounds include an advanced development candidate, AMC303, which uses peptide-based compounds that target one highly specific co-receptor, CD44v6, blocking several relevant oncological pathways involved in tumor growth, angiogenesis and the development and regression of metastases. Their approach differs fundamentally from known experimental or approved compounds in this area, as they target CD44v6, combining the advantages of receptor specificity and broadband inhibition. Their first-in-class CD44v6-inhibitor AMC303 entered clinical development in solid tumors in Q4 2016, showing significant efficacy in relevant POC animal studies against highly metastatic epithelial cancers, enabling doctors to advance in the treatment of pancreatic cancer, head cancer, neck cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, breast cancer and lung cancer.