The world’s first smartphone-free island has emerged close to Finland
The launch of the digital detox program on Ulko-Tammio Island is imminent
A digital detox project is commencing on Ulko-Tammio Island, situated in southeastern Finland, making it the world’s first “smartphone-free island,” as declared by the organisers.
Tourists are encouraged to fully embrace the island’s offerings, savouring moments by strolling along hiking trails, observing birds and animals, and truly immersing themselves in the serene environment. Accommodations are available in tents or houses, with the option of voluntarily disconnecting from smartphones. However, mobile connectivity remains accessible for those who desire it.
Various “digital detox” initiatives have been established elsewhere, like the Unplugged programme launched in the UK in 2020. During this programme, smartphones are taken away from tourists, and they are provided with accommodations in picturesque locations for three days. Unplugged advocates the idea that people could experience greater happiness and productivity by dedicating a few days annually to going offline.
Psychologists also advocate for breaks from gadgets and social networks, as even short digital fasts can bring benefits. These breaks are believed to enhance well-being and alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, as experts have suggested.