It’s official: higher income correlates with improved self-esteem

It’s official: higher income correlates with improved self-esteem

Research shows that higher earnings enhance self-confidence

A team of psychologists delved into the connection between financial status and self-esteem. Their inquiry was: “Does higher income lead to better self-esteem, or is it the other way around?” 

Over 4,000 participants tracked their income and self-esteem throughout the study. Results showed a gradual rise in self-esteem as income increased. Moreover, higher earners tended to view themselves more positively in comparison to others. This underscores the role of self-esteem in social dynamics.

Interestingly, while income had a direct impact on self-esteem, the reverse scenario (self-esteem influencing income) was not observed. Previous research suggested that individuals with high self-esteem gravitate towards higher-paying occupations.

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