Robot ARTEMIS will become the highlight of the RoboCup 2023 in Bordeaux

Robot ARTEMIS will become the highlight of the RoboCup 2023 in Bordeaux

ARTEMIS enters the market as the first robot of its kind that has actuators – muscle-like tools that create motion

This year’s RoboCup takes place in Bordeaux, France, and all eyes are on ARTEMIS – the humanoid robot developed by engineers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). ARTEMIS stands for – Advanced Robotic Technology for Enhanced Mobility and Improved Stability. 

Every year, RobotCup gathers teams from around the world that compete and display their newest inventions in different categories across the board.

ARTEMIS deserves special recognition as it is the first robot of its kind that has actuators. Naturally springy and created by force, actuators are tools used to create motion that function like real human muscles. 

The humanoid robot is developed for general use and its improved locomotion has particularly advanced bipedal locomotion across uneven terrain. As a result the robot can perform locomotion tasks such as running, jumping, walking and sprinting and even on unstable surfaces. 

This unique addition implies that despite the height and the proportions of the robot (it weighs 85 pounds and is 4 feet, 8 inches tall), it can maintain balance even when being strongly disturbed.

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